Positive Intelligence
A Six Week Course Designed to Improve your Positive Mindset
Would you like to manage stress, control your responses and reduce negative feelings? If you, like so many others, are experiencing challenges with lockdown and the stress of a global pandemic, it’s possible to improve your mental fitness and wellbeing in just six weeks.
Do you find yourself:
→ Procrastinating
→ Struggling with relationship issues at home or work
→ Frustrated
→ Irritated
→ Overwhelmed
→ Not at your full potential
Would you like to:
→ Feel more calm
→ Manage your emotional responses
→ Remain poised throughout the day
→ Make clear decisions in the moment
Mental fitness is your capacity to handle life’s challenges with a positive mindset instead of becoming stressed, upset or other negative emotions. We are all triggered from time to time and feel the pain of negative emotions, whether from our own mind or triggered by other people, they are a sign that something isn’t right. Just like putting your hand on a hot plate, it hurts. But we don’t leave our hand on the hot plate, we take it off quickly, turn off the hot plate and learn from the experience. So why do we hang onto negative emotions? By holding onto those negative emotions, we create stress hormones in our bodies which damage our immune system over time.
With Positive Intelligence, a six-week course designed to improve your positive mindset, you can learn to reduce the time you spend in that negative emotion, allowing you to make more positive choices in your life.
The Positive Intelligence Programme
With tools and techniques from breakthrough research and best practices from neuroscience, performance science, cognitive psychology and positive psychology, the Positive Intelligence Programme* can give you the tools to change your brain in just six weeks. With the unique app, weekly videos and daily practice, you will receive both insight and exercises to strengthen those vital muscles in your brain. Yes! You will have a brain gym!
© Positive Intelligence
What is Included in the Six Week Course?
→ An Exclusive App
Guiding your Daily Practice Every day, you will have a short practice with a different focus or challenge throughout the day, in under 15-minutes total. With daily progress tracking and encouraging tips, the app helps you to create new neural pathways to form lasting positive habits in your mind. Even after you’ve completed the course, you’ll have access to the app for 12 months to build your mental fitness practice.
© Positive Intelligence
→ Weekly Video Sessions
On Saturday, you will receive bitesize videos with experiential exercises to practice mental fitness throughout the weekend and leave you feeling energised.
→ A Weekly Coaching Group with Jill McCulloch
Every Monday, you will meet online with your coaching group called a pod. The pod, curated and led by Jill, gives you a meaningful community of like-minded people to share your progress together.
About Jill
With over 16 years of experience as a personal and business coach, I’m an advocate for the extraordinary potential of this program because since I started in May 2020, the course has transformed how I manage stress and feel positive in my life, and I’ve seen incredible change for my clients.
→ *BONUS* Read or Listen to the Positive Intelligence Book
You will have access to eight chapters of Shizard Charmine’s book in text or audio so you can work through it at your own pace over the six weeks.
What Saboteurs Do You Have?
Saboteurs are self-limiting beliefs and react to challenges in ways that generate negative emotions such as stress, fear, disappointment, self-doubt, regret, anger, shame, guilt or worry. Your Sage is your inner wisdom that handles challenges through positive emotions like empathy, gratitude, curiosity, creativity, self-confidence, and calm, clear-headed and laser-focused action. If you would like to know the saboteurs that are getting in the way of your peak performance, then click here to take the free Saboteur Assessment and a results email will be sent directly to you. Of course, I’d love to know how you got on, so do send them to me at jill@coachyou.co.uk.
About Positive Intelligence
Positive Intelligence has been created by Shirzad Chamine. Shirzad is also currently teaching at Stamford University. Shirzad built and sold two tech companies and became interested in coaching when his board carried out an intervention and forced him to face his negativity.
Typically, he then studied with the Coach Training Institute (like me) and ultimately became the CEO for eight years. The hijack by saboteurs or Self-limiting beliefs was the final piece in the jigsaw, so Shizard researched, developed the app and has since tested it on over 500,000 CEOs, Olympic athletes and leaders across the globe. The results are astounding with a dramatic reduction in saboteur brain activity in just six weeks, with more and more improvements in the Sage mind over time.