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You Can't Read the Label from Inside the Jar

“You can’t read the label from inside the jar” was my top insight this month and it has helped me make a few discoveries of my own.

My clients, like me, are Mavericks running their own businesses.  They are wildly independent individuals who think outside the box.  They are visionary, enthusiastic and hard working.  Passionate about their mission, they want to make a difference in the world, no matter how small.

… and they are easily distracted by new ideas and don’t always spend long enough on each idea to make it a success. For them, variety really is the spice of life and as they grow and change, their business needs to keep up with them.


The label on the jar is a really useful analogy, so take a moment over coffee to think this through. Sometimes we want to get out of our jar and take a good hard look at the label:

Do we need to change the contents?

Have the contents already changed and we haven’t updated the label?

Or perhaps we’ve changed the label and the contents could do with spicing up to match?

Whatever you, or your Maverick friends are struggling with at the moment I would be happy to take a look with them, provide a sounding board for those ideas, ask some useful questions and get that jar bringing in what it should be.


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